Friday, September 9, 2022

Brain Dump

A transportation government official is baffled why people don't want to buy electric cars. That level of being out of touch is astronomical. Has the government become so enmeshed with lies it is incapable of even conceptualizing the truth, let alone actually seeing it?

Here's the answer by the way: Electric cars are EXPENSIVE. When you're trying to figure out how to buy this week's groceries and pay the rent and pay to keep from roasting in your house because it's SUMMER, which has nothing to do with global warming but is actually an honest part of the ecosystem called earth, a new car that is more expensive than my house isn't in the cards. And all that "hey, we'll use electricity instead of oil" while at the same time you're saying "we don't have enough electricity so we'll have brown outs and rolling black outs"...I mean really. The cognitive dissonance coming from those "smart" clowns is no longer funny; it's tragic and frankly criminal. Stow your stupid agenda and learn something honest. Oh, wait, that requires integrity, something you can't have and spout nonsense at the same time. 

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