Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The 7 Day Pledge... Day 7... Reading List #34

Day Seven: A Day of Rest to Embrace the Future

Faced a few things about myself, owning and changing. It feels good. I'm happy, tonight.

I couldn't resist working on The Project a little bit. Tomorrow, I'm diving back in.

Long over due book reading list catch up, with a quick review: I only post the books I enjoyed. I never talk about books I didn't like. I prefer to forget them, the sooner the better. I also don't post a book until it is finished. There are several books beside my bed that are in various stages of completeness. Sort of like us going through life. Perfect, translated from the Aramaic, means complete. I finished The Huxtables series by Mary Balog. Good to see everyone happily married off. It works in books. I used to say that I read books to escape real life, but now they tie into what I'm doing in real life, so I read because I enjoy it! Another Dr. Polaski, a family in a series by Marie Farrarella; this one is titled In His Protective Custody, a romantic suspense. Deadly Valentine includes a short story by Justine Davis, one of my must-read authors. Fantastic characters and engaging plot that kept me turning pages. Not all authors are able to carry off a short story and have it the same quality as a long book. Justine does it. I re-read Lucy Monroe's Pregnancy of Passion. I simply love her characters. So, when I've read a few books I didn't enjoy, I grab one of hers as a palate cleanser, so to speak. Then Lucy Monroe's book Moon Burning, from her Children of the Moon series, was released. Love Amazon delivering right to my door. It's my favorite of the series. She delved more into the history and details of the shape-shifting characters. Cara Colter's To Dance with a Prince was delightfully romantic and wonderfully fun. Loved it! And finally, Kelly Hunter's Her Singapore Fling re-unites the last Bennett brother with his estranged wife. It's been a long wait, but worth it.

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