Sunday, March 27, 2011

Thank Goodness It's Sunday #46

~Carl Edwards is now #1 in the standings in the Sprint Cup Chase. Go Carl!! And thanks to Fox Sports for broadcasting the race so I could watch it.

~It's a good thing I was home, this weekend. I woke with a sore throat and ears. Fortunately, my lavender oil was near at hand. I used it in my ears, this morning, and the pain is completely gone. I used Throat Coat tea, and though I still have a little bit of a sore throat, it's much improved. I slept much of the day, and though it's early, I want to crawl back into bed. I would have been miserable, on so many levels, if I'd come down sick in L.A. I'm really trying to place my trust in God.

~Mashed potatoes are great comfort food and easy on the throat.

~Fresh rosemary added a lovely flavor to my mashed potatoes.

~Chris, my Christmas cactus, is still blooming.

1 comment:

REAL Apr 29-May 4

REAL -  R educe stress  E xercise  A dequate sleep  L ower caloric intake 2 1-mile walks, physical therapy, eating healthier, going to bed e...