Saturday, September 24, 2011

When I'm feeling defeated...

Helm's Deep

Theoden's rallying speech

Aragorn's rallying speech

It's been a while since I last sat down and watched Lord of the Rings. I frequently pull out the books, if for no other reason than as a reference for the Lore contest at Fellowship of Middle-earth. I'm fighting my own battles right now, and found these inspiring.

My counselor tried to explain something I needed to work out: "There's this boss who is always criticizing the employees, telling them how bad they are, reprimanding them for every little infraction. This boss never lets up. There's always some way things could have been done better, faster, smarter. This boss even calls the employees nasty names. Why would anyone want to work for such a cruel and brutal boss? Especially when there's this other boss available. This other boss is gentle and patient. This other boss expects the employees to accept personal responsibility, but recognizes the value of each employee. This other boss encourages and acknowledges and rewards a job well done. Which boss would you rather work for?" Funnily enough, at the time I thought: I'd know how to respond under the rotten boss, but not the good boss. Then my counselor asked, "When are you going to fire the rotten boss and let the good boss take over?" I stared at him, and then blinked. Then it dawned on me that he was talking about me! I'd learned the unkind lessons so well I was still practicing them! He wanted me to learn a healthier way. Then he took it one step further: God isn't a mean boss. Jesus asks us to love God and our neighbor as ourselves. That's not the guidance of a mean boss. I'm still struggling to be a good boss to myself. It isn't easy. But with Jesus as my teacher and guide, I will learn to be a good boss.


  1. This was so good Judy! I often have to remind myself of the same things ~ that the Word of God promotes nothing but love and kindness and instructs us to be humble, how can anyone argue against such things? So many have no idea what the Bible really teaches ~ so they think it is a book of hate....that is just the enemy. Yes, our Boss is LOVE itself!!

  2. ((Alice)) Yes, God is LOVE. I don't know why I have so much trouble remembering that, but I'm doing better.


Brain Dump

What kind of insanity demands buying an electric car and not using A/C during summer to ease the burden on the electric grid? Please, trying...