Friday, September 27, 2013

Rice treats...

I love Rice Crispy Treats. They are almost a perfect food. Butter, marshmallows, and puffed white rice. Nothing in there upsets my tummy. Always remember that much in life depends on your point of view.

When I went grocery shopping the other day, I was so disappointed. I couldn't find the single serving Rice Crispy Treats. I'll explain in a minute why I don't make my own. I checked the cereal aisle and the cookie aisle. No luck.

Back in the cereal aisle, I discovered Chocolate and Vanilla Rice Chex! Woohoo!!

I need to do an ingredient and price crosscheck, but I've found a good trade.

I used to make Rice Crispy Treats. They're easy, though sticky. I always made it on the stovetop. I decided to experiment with the microwave. NOTE: Marshmallow is HOT even if the bowl is cool. Yes, you know where this is going. I stirred and wanted to clean off the spoon, so I used my figure like I usually do. The only way to remove the melted marshmallow was to wash it off. It isn't particularly fast. By the time I finished, a blister ran along the inside of my finger, from top to bottom, and the from the tip to the second knuckle. Amazingly enough, there's no scar. No, I don't make Rice Crispy Treats anymore. I buy them or gobble what others make. :-) Now you know more than you ever wanted to know.

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