Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Brain Dump

PBS is showing a documentary, Why Sharks Attack.

Spoiler Alert:

Sharks are predators.

PBS documentary on lions shows lions hanging out in trees. Commentator says that the lions do this to have a better view of the area. The lions were sleeping. Lions hunt at night. In fact, the woman should have done a quick GoodSearch. She would have found this children's site:

Oh, honey. Bless your heart. The tree is cooler as it offers air circulation around the animal.

I need duct tape.

When I searched lion behavior, what showed up first? Sites about Apple's operating system, Mountain Lion. Egocentric much?

I also saw a recent article about the decline of polar bears. The group that posted the article benefits from people donating to their cause. I did a little research and found this:

Yes, polar bears have increased.

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