Tuesday, July 30, 2019

One Day Follow Up

How'd I do, so far?

Physical therapy ~ So far so good

Walk ~ So far so good

Scripture study ~ So far so good

Re-writes ~ So far so good

Read ~ So far so good

Eat healthy ~ So far so good

Good sleep ~ So far so good

Errands ~ So far so good

Give the battle to God

Praise God in the storm

Monday, July 29, 2019

Carpe Diem... Pocono

NASCAR ~ 3 Truex 19 A. Dillon 22 Wallace 25 McDowell

What needs to be done?

Physical therapy


Scripture study



Eat healthy

Good sleep


Give the battle to God

Praise God in the storm

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Thank Goodness It's Sunday 476

~ Blessed rain

~ Inspiring music

~ Moon landing memories

~ Saving frozen food

~ God's grace

Saturday, July 27, 2019

End of week follow up

How'd I do?

Physical therapy ~ Done

Walk ~ Done

Scripture study ~ Done

Re-writes ~ More done than it was at the beginning of the week

Read ~ Done

Eat healthy ~ Good days and bad days

Good sleep ~ Not bad

Errands ~ Done

Give the battle to God

Praise God in the storm

Friday, July 26, 2019

All or Nothing Day

Celebrate by reading!

All or Nothing 

The tenth novella in the series...

Welcome back to Holiday, USA, small town America, where nothing happens, except holidays... and a little romance, if the hero and heroine trust God.

Secrets? Angela Goodrich owns a few. Moving to Holiday is her dream come true. As Holiday Sweets' new manager, she wants a fresh start even as she wants to share the truth of who she is. Will she still be welcomed?

Anger issues? Caleb Bronson denies it despite the fact he'd like to throttle his EMT partner's new fiancé for wronging his sister. What does it matter if his anger is dominating his life and spills over on the attractive and newest resident of Holiday?

The truth will set you free, if you're willing to endure the discomfort of letting go of the lies. God knows the pain hidden in the soul anyway...


Thursday, July 25, 2019

REAL Week 521

REAL - Reduce stress Exercise Adequate sleep Lower caloric intake

What Navy SEALs are required to do to make it into BUD/S:
Right up front: Never in a million years could I do what is required. However, I needed to start somewhere. Considering how fit the SEALs are, I figured it was a good place to start. My pushups are against the wall.

Using 1, 2, and/or 4-lb weights:
PT ~ Physical therapy
UBP ~ Upper body exercises, pushups, and chair sits against the wall

SEALFit shared some good hints I want to learn and remember:

19: PT UBP 0-lb x1 Stretch

20: 1-1/4-mile walk PT UBP 0-lb x2 1-lb x2 Stretch 

21: Rest

22: 2-mile walk PT UBP 0-lb x5 Stretch

23: 1/4-mile walk PT UBP 1-lb 
x2 Stretch

24: 2-mile walk PT UBP 0-lb x5 Stretch

25: 1/4-mile walk PT UBP 1-lb x2 Stretch

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

One Day Follow Up

How'd I do, so far?

Physical therapy ~ So far so good and better than last week

Walk ~ So far so good

Scripture study ~ So far so good

Re-writes ~ So far so good

Read ~ So far so good

Eat healthy ~ So far so good and better than last week

Good sleep ~ So far so good

Errands ~ So far so good

Give the battle to God

Praise God in the storm

Monday, July 22, 2019

Carpe Diem... Hew Hampshire

NASCAR ~ 6 Truex 17 McDowell 22 Bubba Wallace 32 A. Dillon

What needs to be done?

Physical therapy


Scripture study



Eat healthy

Good sleep


Give the battle to God

Praise God in the storm

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Thank Goodness It's Sunday 475

~ Time with friends

~ Air conditioning

~ Christmas music

~ Fascinating books

~ God's grace

Saturday, July 20, 2019

End of Week Follow Up

How'd I do?

Physical therapy ~ Done

Walk ~ Done

Scripture study ~ Done

Re-writes ~ More done than it was at the beginning of the week

Read ~ Done

Eat healthy ~ Some days were okay others not so much.

Good sleep ~ Okay but not great

Errands ~ Done

Give the battle to God

Praise God in the storm

Friday, July 19, 2019

Brain Dump

Dear Congress,

Your ignorance and laziness should no longer surprise me, but here we are again.

Raising the minimum wage to $15 will not help anyone.

It's a lie.

Raising the minimum wage WILL cost millions of jobs.

Stop deciding policy on unproven theories. Okay, it's been proven that it doesn't work. Ask the companies that had to lay off workers in order to pay fewer employees the mandatory raise.

In order for companies to meet the new pay raises, they will raise prices.

Vicious spiral.

Do the homework!

Unless your plan is to put American workers out of work...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

REAL Week 520

REAL - Reduce stress Exercise Adequate sleep Lower caloric intake

What Navy SEALs are required to do to make it into BUD/S:
Right up front: Never in a million years could I do what is required. However, I needed to start somewhere. Considering how fit the SEALs are, I figured it was a good place to start. My pushups are against the wall.

Using 1, 2, and/or 4-lb weights:
PT ~ Physical therapy
UBP ~ Upper body exercises, pushups, and chair sits against the wall

SEALFit shared some good hints I want to learn and remember:

12: PT UBP 0-lb x1 Stretch

13: 2-mile walk PT UBP 0-lb x2 1-lb x2 Stretch 1-1/2 hours yard work

14: Rest

15: 2-mile walk PT UBP 0-lb x3 Stretch

16: 1/2-mile walk PT UBP 1-lb 
x1 Stretch

17: 2-mile walk PT UBP 0-lb x3 Stretch

18: 1/2-mile walk PT UBP 1-lb x1 Stretch

Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.