
There are a lot of things I can't do. My body is a mess. However, I can always shuffle:

Laurel Hawkes My writing blog.

My interview at Risky Regencies

All gave some; some gave all: DoD

Brandon Webb


Packages From Home Things to Donate

I'm Proud to be an American on You Tube

An American Knight by Norman Fulkerson

Magnificent Presented by Andie's Isle

The Anima Series Message to Women:

Bill Whittle's tribute to wounded warriors:

In the Face of Real Beauty posted at I Choose Love

Interview with Jimmy Thomas et al regarding book covers, Indie Authors #20

Jimmy Thomas video, music by Celine Dion

Jimmy Thomas Hero video, because.

Another book trailer with Jimmy as the hero.

Oh, look, another one.

And one more.

Oooo, and one more! Dangerous Ties

And another! Night's Salvation

Sold On You looks fun.

Tudor Rose

Not a Jimmy Thomas trailer:

Letter to Hannah A two-minute introduction from the radio show is included in Variation 2 This is a shorter version made into a video.

Susan Boyle and Donny Osmond sing "All I Ask of You"

Remembering 9/11 on the Glenn Beck Program

Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.