Wednesday, March 5, 2025

TBR 2025

16.  I Know What I Love You Means (The Love series Book 1) by Staci Stallings Christian romance. Rereading in preparation for the newest series, Perspective. Not a hardship. 

17Moving Mountains (The Love series Book 2) by Staci Stallings Christian romance. This series is actually one story broken into two books. The first is more the hero's journey and the second the heroine's journey. Once again, digging into my own past and learning better ways of coping and overcoming. 

18. Chasing Hearts (The Perspective series Book 1) by Staci Stallings Christian romance. I love Staci's stories. I always dig deeper into my faith, examining my perceptions and reflecting on what I want and how to become the better person I want to be, who God created me to be. I also don't always read a new release right away; I wait. A feeling will come over me that it's time to read one of her stories, and without fail I am reading about what I'm going through. Her perspective helps me step back and see my struggle more clearly. She also offers paths to negotiate the stumbling blocks. A precious blessing.

19Picking Wildflowers (The Love series Book 2) by Staci Stallings Christian romance. My heart... Staci admits at the beginning of the book that this is a rough draft as she was going in for surgery. Before reading the book, In her fan group on SM, she admitted she made it through heart surgery but lost her left hand. I cannot imagine. I pray she is able to return to writing her unique stories because they always expand my soul and bring me closer to God. What a precious gift.

20. Lord of Her Heart by Sherrinda Ketchersid historical romance. Inspirational medieval tale.

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