Wednesday, June 29, 2022

TBR 2022

81A Place to Call Home (California Dreamin' Collection Book 11) by Sarah M. Eden contemporary romance. Loved the bantering. Fun read.

82. Love Our Vets: Restoring Hope for Families of Veterans with PTSD: 2nd Edition by Welby O'Brien nonfiction. Informative without being overwhelming or too much.

83Not Dead Yet (Guardian series) by Traci Hunter Abramson suspense romance. The problem with finishing one of her books is that now I have to wait for the next one. It's always good to see old friends from earlier stories. As a side note, I also enjoy reading about the food, especially this time since this takes place in Paris. Good memories.

84The Promise That Katy Did (Blind Date Collection Book 18) by Annette Lyon historical romance, late 1800s. Annette had be going, but it's a HEA so I should have known it would turn out right. 

85A Lady of Sense (Blind Date Collection Book 18) by Sarah M. Eden Regency romance. Humor, honor, courage, overcome lies and self-centeredness. Enjoyable. 

Monday, June 27, 2022

REAL 20 Jun - 25 Jun

REAL - Reduce stress Exercise Adequate sleep Lower caloric intake

Mon: Walk 40 min PT 0-lb x3 UB x3 FL x5
Tue: Walk 10 min PT 0-lb x3 UB x3 FL x5
Wed: Walk 15/20 min PT 0-lb x2 1-lb x1 UB x3 FL x5
Thu: Walk 10 min PT 0-lb x3 UB x3 FL x5
Fri: Walk 30/30 min PT 0-lb x3 UB x3 FL x5
Sat: Walk 20 min PT 0-lb x3 UB x3 FL x5

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Thank Goodness It's Sunday

~ Blessed rain

~ Favorite authors

~ Engrossing books

~ Delicious food

~ God's grace

Friday, June 24, 2022

Brain Dump

Who knew there was a tug-o-war between insurance companies, plumbers, and restoration companies? With the consumer as the rope. Not impressed. Too tired to fight. When the world makes you want to ask: "Where are we going and why am I in this hand basket?" the last thing you need is another battle over a problem you didn't want in the first place. What can be done? Pray for wisdom and integrity.

Monday, June 20, 2022

REAL 13 Jun - 18 Jun

REAL - Reduce stress Exercise Adequate sleep Lower caloric intake

Mon: Walk 40 min PT 0-lb x3 UB x3 FL x5
Tue: Walk 10 min PT 0-lb x3 UB x3 FL x5
Wed: Walk 10 min PT 0-lb x3 UB x3 FL x5
Thu: Walk 20 min PT 0-lb x3 UB x3 FL x5
Fri: Walk 20 min PT 0-lb x3 UB x3 FL x5
Sat: Walk 40 min PT 0-lb x3 UB x3 FL x5

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Thank Goodness It's Sunday

~ Master bath repairs are done, and it's beautiful.

~ Air conditioning 

~ Supportive friends

~ Good movies

~ God's grace

Friday, June 17, 2022

Brain Dump

I've listened in horror to story after story of young men taking their own lives. And yet, how could we possibly expect anything different? They are pressured to be anything but themselves. How do you live with unreasonable expectations? The world criticizes men at every turn, calling them the root of the world's problems and monsters. Why would anyone want to embrace that kind of image? Adding insult to injury, the world asks why can't they be more like women. So, they choose to be like women and pretend to be women. A part of me can't blame them. However, it isn't healthy. They're denying who they are. Lying, whether consciously or not, isn't healthy. Lies always fall apart, in the end. For the record: We can't talk about toxic masculinity and pretend there's no toxic femininity. The truth is that toxicity is not a gender trait; it's a human choice. It is choosing evil over good. 

The awesome thing: God provided a path for us to be who we are and, with Jesus Atonement, give Him the evil. Choose Him.

Monday, June 13, 2022

REAL 6 Jun - 11 Jun

REAL - Reduce stress Exercise Adequate sleep Lower caloric intake

Mon: Walk 60/25 min PT 0-lb x3 UB x3 FL x5
Tue: Walk 10 min PT 0-lb x3 UB x3 FL x5
Wed: Walk 10 min PT 0-lb x3 UB x3 FL x5
Thu: Walk 10 min PT 0-lb x3 UB x3 FL x5
Fri: Walk 10 min PT 0-lb x3 UB x3 FL x5
Sat: Walk 20 min PT 0-lb x3 UB x3 FL x5

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Thank Goodness It's Sunday

~ Air conditioning

~ Becoming more comfortable with my phone

~ Good people who do their jobs to the best of their abilities.

~ Beautiful craftsmanship by reconstruction guy

~ God's grace

Friday, June 10, 2022

Brain Dump

Exposing innocent children to sexual content on purpose is evil. Stop it. Pretending you're teaching them to be tolerant is a lie, to them and yourself. Stop it. Just because you were abused and survived doesn't mean it's okay to pass it along. Stop it. Be a chain breaker instead of another link.

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

TBR 2022

76Too Good to Be True (California Dreamin' Collection Book 11) by Heather B. Moore contemporary romance. Enjoyable quick read.

77Gone Fishing (California Dreamin' Collection Book 11) by Kaylee Baldwin contemporary romance. A pirate! LOL! Remembering dreams are worth pursuing.

78The Pier Changes Everything (California Dreamin' Collection Book 11) by Annette Lyon contemporary romance. If I mention the things I enjoyed, I'll give it away. I don't want to spoil it for you. Love this story!

79Hero's Song (California Dreamin' Collection Book 11) by Jennifer Moore contemporary romance. Finding each other again. Not easy. Loved it.

80Stay With Me (California Dreamin' Collection Book 11) by Shannon Guymon contemporary romance. Wondered for a moment if it would turn out all right. Of course, it did.

Monday, June 6, 2022

REAL 30 May - 4 Jun

REAL - Reduce stress Exercise Adequate sleep Lower caloric intake

Mon: Walk 30 min PT 0-lb x3 UB x3 FL x5
Tue: Walk 20 min PT 0-lb x3 UB x3 FL x5
Wed: Walk 25 min PT 0-lb x3 UB x3 FL x5
Thu: Walk 20 min PT 0-lb x3 UB x3 FL x5
Fri: Walk 20 min PT 0-lb x3 UB x3 FL x5
Sat: Walk 20 min PT 0-lb x3 UB x3 FL x5

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Thank Goodness It's Sunday

~ Skilled craftsmen

~ Helpful friends

~ Opportunity to please a friend

~ Taking baby steps

~ God's grace

Friday, June 3, 2022

TBR 2022

71Take a Chance (Summer in New York City Collection Book 8) by Sarah M. Eden contemporary romance. Fun.

72Firsts and Lasts (Summer in New York City Collection Book 8) by Annette Lyon contemporary romance. Not typical. Loved it.

73& (Summer in New York City Collection Book 8) by Lisa Mangum contemporary romance. Though it's first person, I enjoyed it. I loved the concept.

74Dreams by Starlight (The Dreams Series Book 1) by Staci Stallings contemporary Christian romance. It stands alone but promises more, if you want it. I do! I always feel like I've grown, in spirit, after reading one of Staci Stallings' books. I prefer paperback so I can underline passage that offer me insights.

75Reunion (The Dreams Series Book 2) by Staci Stallings contemporary Christian romance. It was painful to watch the protagonists struggle, but worth it in the end. More insights. Inspiring. Love this story and the series.

Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.