Sunday, July 31, 2022

Thank Goodness It's Sunday

~ Blessed rain

~ Electricity

~ New books by favorite authors

~ A/C and fans

~ God's grace

Friday, July 29, 2022

Brain Dump

Confrontation and Contention are not the same and not interchangeable. Contention includes anger. Anger is a red flag, a warning sign a boundary has been violated; don't stay in it. Anger means action needs to be taken. Contention is dictated by the anger. Confrontation doesn't require anger. It challenges. Too many people become angry when they are challenged. 

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Celebrate All or Nothing Day

 ...with a story.

All or Nothing 

The tenth novella in the series...

Welcome back to Holiday, USA, small town America, where nothing happens, except holidays... and a little romance, if the hero and heroine trust God.

Secrets? Angela Goodrich owns a few. Moving to Holiday is her dream come true. As Holiday Sweets' new manager, she wants a fresh start even as she wants to share the truth of who she is. Will she still be welcomed?

Anger issues? Caleb Bronson denies it despite the fact he'd like to throttle his EMT partner's new fiancé for wronging his sister. What does it matter if his anger is dominating his life and spills over on the attractive and newest resident of Holiday?

The truth will set you free, if you're willing to endure the discomfort of letting go of the lies. God knows the pain hidden in the soul anyway...

If you prefer paperback, Holiday, USA Anthology 2016-17

All four novellas, 9-12, are available in their entirety in paperback, including the covers on the back, for those who enjoy collecting a series.

Monday, July 25, 2022

REAL 18 Jul - 23 Jul

REAL - Reduce stress Exercise Adequate sleep Lower caloric intake

Mon: Walk 15 min PT 0-lb x3 UB x3 FL x5
Tue: Walk 10 min PT 0-lb x3 UB x3 FL x5
Wed: Walk 60/35 min PT 0-lb x3 UB x3 FL x5
Thu: Walk 15 min PT 0-lb x3 UB x3 FL x5
Fri: Walk 10 min PT 0-lb x3 UB x3 FL x5
Sat: Walk 15 min PT 0-lb x3 UB x3 FL x5

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Thank Goodness It's Sunday

~ Power, blessedly, once again restored in only a few hours

~ Lantern and a book

~ Hymns and Christmas carols

~ Smart phone for texting friends and watching the progress of storms

~ God's grace

Friday, July 22, 2022

Brain Dump

If those who push solar power think it's the end all be all, then why don't they install it in rural areas of Africa where electricity is so desperately needed? Prove to the world how well it works and how amazing it is? Convince the world it's the best choice by showing it. Instead of wasting money on commercials and depriving those who had reliable energy by other means.

Monday, July 18, 2022

REAL 11 Jul - 16 Jul

REAL - Reduce stress Exercise Adequate sleep Lower caloric intake

Mon: Walk 20 min PT 0-lb x3 UB x3 FL x5
Tue: Walk 15 min PT 0-lb x3 UB x3 FL x5
Wed: Walk 15/20 min PT 0-lb x3 UB x3 FL x5
Thu: Walk 35 min PT 0-lb x1 FL x5 strained my lower back
Fri: Walk 20 min PT 0-lb x3 FL x5
Sat: Walk 20 min PT 0-lb x3 FL x5

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Thank Goodness It's Sunday

~ Air conditioning

~  Sherwin at T-Mobile helping me with my phone

~ Visiting with friends

~ Quick repair of power lines

~ God's grace

Friday, July 15, 2022

Brain Dump

Someone argued that if it was about babies then classes would be available, time off would be available, the funds for the baby would be made available, and on and on and on. Using that logic to justify killing a baby should then be used to justify killing anyone with disabilities, killing the elderly with dementia and Alzheimers. Where does it end? 

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

TBR 2022

86A Second Chance (Blind Date Collection Book 18)  by Heather B. Moore historical romance. What a blessing to have a good friend. Enjoyed it.

87Braelynn's Blind Date (Blind Date Collection Book 18)  by Victorine E. Lieske contemporary romance. Unexpected twist. Loved it!

88Bianca's Hope (Blind Date Collection Book 18)  by Rachel Branton contemporary romance. First person. Interesting premise.

89Blind Spot (Blind Date Collection Book 18)  by Sariah Wilson contemporary romance. First person. Funny.

90The Greatest Gift: A Montana Cowboy Christmas Book by Kathleen Ball Western romance. Quick read.

Monday, July 11, 2022

REAL 4 Jul - 9 Jul

REAL - Reduce stress Exercise Adequate sleep Lower caloric intake

Mon: Walk 10 min PT 0-lb x3 UB x3 FL x5
Tue: Walk 10 min PT 0-lb x3 UB x3 FL x5
Wed: Walk 40 min PT 0-lb x3 UB x3 FL x5
Thu: Walk 15/10/40 min PT 0-lb x3 UB x3 FL x5
Fri: Walk 10 min PT 0-lb x3 UB x3 FL x5
Sat: Walk 15/20/30 min PT 0-lb x3 UB x3 FL x5

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Thank Goodness It's Sunday

~ Air conditioning 

~ Friends who check up on me

~ Opportunities to pray for friends

~ Good memories

~ God's grace

Friday, July 8, 2022

Brain Dump

Dumbest comment ever regarding the change in RvW: People will die!

63 million babies have already died because of RvW.

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

REAL 27 Jun - 2 Jul

REAL - Reduce stress Exercise Adequate sleep Lower caloric intake

Mon: Walk 40 min PT 0-lb x3 UB x3 FL x5
Tue: Walk 10 min PT 0-lb x3 UB x3 FL x5
Wed: Walk 30 min PT 0-lb x3 UB x3 FL x5
Thu: Walk 10 min PT 0-lb x3 UB x3 FL x5
Fri: Walk 10 min PT 0-lb x3 UB x3 FL x5
Sat: Walk 10 min PT 0-lb x3 UB x3 FL x5

Monday, July 4, 2022

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Thank Goodness It's Sunday

~ Blessed rain

~ Dessert and a walk after the rain with family

~ Air conditioning

~ New book by a favorite author

~ God's grace

Friday, July 1, 2022

Brain Dump

Who am I? First and foremost and most importantly, I am a child of God. We are each a child of God. As I hear the clarion call to focus on identity, I've yet to hear any of the angry voices declare that they are a child of God. They all want to focus on a detail, an aside, something that won't be an issue on the other side of death. Details that have no place in the eternities. Forever is being thrown away for a blip in time. God wants to give us the world and more, but we refuse to release our pitiful fistful of dirt.

Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.