Friday, March 21, 2025

Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

TBR 2025

21.  Heart of Clay (The Women of Tenacity Book 1) by Shanna Hatfield western romance. A sweet story that brought laughter and tears. This is the first of her books I've read and have added others to my wish list.

22A Marriage of Anything But Convenience (The Billionaires Club Book 1) by Victorine E. Lieske comedy romance. Humorous and touching.

23. Celtic Cross by Tammy Doherty inspirational western romance. 

24A Case of Extreme Mistaken Identity (The Billionaires Club Book 2) by Victorine E. Lieske comedy romance. Sad and funny. Liked it well enough to buy the next book in the series. 

25. Saving Cade by Victorine E. Lieske suspense romance, audiobook on YouTube. Liz Krane narrated. 

Monday, March 17, 2025

St. Patrick's Day

Celebrate with a story. 

Tough Luck 

The fourth novella in the series.

Welcome back to Holiday, USA, small town America, where nothing happens, except holidays... and maybe a little romance, if the hero and heroine trust God.

Holiday's playboy, Brent Kelly, returns home a changed man, if only everyone would believe him. The First Annual Tough Luck Run offers him the opportunity to prove he turned over a new leaf.

Cindy Garvey has worked hard her whole life, and now she is preparing to move from employee to business owner with her best friend. The last thing she needs is one more surprise in her life.

God provides the way to Happily Ever After, no matter how far astray His children wander... 
If you prefer paperback, Holiday, USA Anthology 2014

All four novellas published in 2014 are available in their entirety in paperback, including the covers on the back, for those who enjoy collecting a series. 

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Thank Goodness It's Sunday

~ Blessed rain

~ Scripture study with friends

~ Snug home

~ Delicious food

~ God's grace 

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

St. Patrick's Prayer

St. Patrick’s Prayer:

May the strength of God pilot us.

May the power of God preserve us.

May the wisdom of God instruct us.

May the hand of God protect us.

May the way of God direct us.

May the shield of God protect us. 

May the host of God guard us

Against the snares of the evil one,

Against temptations of the world.

May Christ be with us!

May Christ be before us!

May Christ be in us,

Christ be over all!

May Thy Salvation, Lord,

Always be ours,

This day, O Lord, and evermore. Amen. 

Monday, March 10, 2025

REAL 2025 Mar 10

While more rain kept me inside, I'm practicing parking far from the entrance to establishments I visit to give me a little more of a walk. Sleeping is a toss up. I'm eating healthier and losing a little weight every week. Progress there. 

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Thank Goodness It's Sunday

~ Gorgeous days with the door open

~ Chilly days with an electric fireplace

~ Inspiring books by favorite authors

~ Trying new recipes

~ God's grace 

Friday, March 7, 2025

Brain Dump

Dear Hollywood, how far you have fallen. You only repeat, recycle, revamp. I don't remember the last time you actually put out anything new. How do you expect to create anything if you shun the One true source? Christian filmmakers, on the other hand, are coming forward in amazing ways. Reminder: God is the source of all creation. The father of lies is a poor facsimile, and it shows.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

TBR 2025

16.  I Know What I Love You Means (The Love series Book 1) by Staci Stallings Christian romance. Rereading in preparation for the newest series, Perspective. Not a hardship. 

17Moving Mountains (The Love series Book 2) by Staci Stallings Christian romance. This series is actually one story broken into two books. The first is more the hero's journey and the second the heroine's journey. Once again, digging into my own past and learning better ways of coping and overcoming. 

18. Chasing Hearts (The Perspective series Book 1) by Staci Stallings Christian romance. I love Staci's stories. I always dig deeper into my faith, examining my perceptions and reflecting on what I want and how to become the better person I want to be, who God created me to be. I also don't always read a new release right away; I wait. A feeling will come over me that it's time to read one of her stories, and without fail I am reading about what I'm going through. Her perspective helps me step back and see my struggle more clearly. She also offers paths to negotiate the stumbling blocks. A precious blessing.

19Picking Wildflowers (The Love series Book 2) by Staci Stallings Christian romance. My heart... Staci admits at the beginning of the book that this is a rough draft as she was going in for surgery. Before reading the book, In her fan group on SM, she admitted she made it through heart surgery but lost her left hand. I cannot imagine. I pray she is able to return to writing her unique stories because they always expand my soul and bring me closer to God. What a precious gift.

20. Lord of Her Heart by Sherrinda Ketchersid historical romance. Inspirational medieval tale.

Monday, March 3, 2025

REAL 2025 Mar 3

Need to walk more. Nightmares continue, like running a marathon to start the day. Sometimes I remember physical therapy, working on it. Eating healthier, less junk, less processed, nowhere near perfect, but improving. Hard to drink water when it isn't hot. Never give up. Never give in.

Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.