Friday, December 27, 2024

TBR 2024

156. A Soldier's Tale by Elizabeth Rolls Regency romance novella. Annual Christmas story reads.

157Under the Mistletoe by Mary Balogh Regency romance. A collection of five novellas set at Christmas time. My favorite is "The Best Gift."

158. Sunshine for Christmas by Mary Jo Putney Regency romance novella. 

159. Christmas Wishes by Barbara Metzger Regency romance. 

160. A Stockingful of Joy by stories by Mary Jo Putney and Justine Dare Christmas Regency and Western romance novellas.

161. Christmas Secrets by Donna Hatch Regency sweet romance. Donna gives a lovely escape into Regency Christmas, acknowledging that Christmas was usually a Holy Day with attendance at church but some of the wealthier homes celebrated with traditions. Enjoyable.

162. Chance series by Traci Hunter Abramson romance. I wanted to read some old favorites before the end of the year. 

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

2024 Merry Christmas!

Jesus isn't only the reason for the season. He is the reason for every single day of life. His birth is the beginning of the end of the adversary's plan to enslave mankind. God is good, all the time. 

Monday, December 23, 2024

Ready for Christmas?

 Celebrate with a story.

Christmas Lost

The twelfth novella in the series.

Welcome back to Holiday, USA, small town America, where nothing happens, except holidays... and a little romance, if the hero and heroine trust God.

Townie Karen Little is the resident quintessential spinster. She's lived in the same house her whole life, more than half a century. She knows she's stuck, but her plans for the future blow up in her face, on a regular basis. Why risk being wrong again?

After six years, Holiday Diner's owner, Alexander Hamilton, is still a newbie and Holiday's most eligible silver fox bachelor. Being the catch of the day for the single women of Holiday makes his vow to never marry again a challenge. Why test the three strikes you're out rule?

Sometimes, so much time passes, it feels like God has forgotten, but He is moving all the pieces into place for the right moment... 

If you prefer paperback, Holiday, USA Anthology 2016-17

All four novellas, 9-12, are available in their entirety in paperback, including the covers on the back, for those who enjoy collecting a series. 

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Sunday, December 22, 2024

Thank Goodness It's Sunday

~ Breaking Bread with dear friends

~ Visiting with friends

~ Electric fire place/heater

~ Gorgeous weather, being able to open the door in the afternoons

~ God's grace 

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Christmas is coming.

Celebrate with a story

Christmas Present

The eighth novella in the series.

Welcome back to Holiday, USA, small town America, where nothing happens, except holidays... and a little romance, if the hero and heroine trust God.

Terra Connor is looking forward to her first two-week vacation, even if it means working part of the time to ease her daughter's mind. Her daughter's wedding on Christmas Eve is her only priority, and she definitely doesn't have time for romance.

Carson McDonald is in Holiday for his younger brother's wedding. The friendly town is as good a place as any to rest and recover from the upheaval of losing his job due to an accident. He has enough on his plate for the foreseeable future.

God's ways are not man's ways...


If you prefer paperback, Holiday, USA Anthology 2015

All four novellas published in 2015 are available in their entirety in paperback, including the covers on the back, for those who enjoy collecting a series.


Monday, December 16, 2024

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Thank Goodness It's Sunday

~ Visiting with friends

~ Grill Night

~ Fireplace 

~ Opportunities to serve others

~ God's grace 

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

TBR 2024

151. The Danger with Diamonds (Falcon Point series Book 1) by Traci Hunter Abramson and Sian Ann Bessey suspense romance. A tie-in to Abramson's Guardian series. Page-turner! Tough to put down, even when desperate for sleep. 

152From an Unknown Sender (Falcon Point series Book 2) by Traci Hunter Abramson and Sian Ann Bessey suspense romance. Yes, I lost sleep because I couldn't put it down. 

153. When Fashion Turns Deadly (Falcon Point series Book 3) by Traci Hunter Abramson and Sian Ann Bessey suspense romance. A fascinating dive into the world of modeling and fashion design with theft and murder thrown in for a little more tension. The newest addition in the Falcon Point series. 

154. Cowboy Daddy, Jingle-Bell Baby by Linda Goodnight romance. A sweet story I enjoy every year.

155. Christmas Cinderella (A Sprinkling of Christmas Magic anthology) by Elizabeth Rolls Regency romance novella. This is a follow up to Rolls' story A Soldier's Tale. Yes, I read them out of order, only because A Soldier's Tale is one of my favorites and I save it. The last few pages aren't necessary to the story but give the requisite bedroom scene for this particular genre and publisher.

Monday, December 9, 2024

REAL 2024 Dec 9

Walked to the post office a couple times. Increased my physical therapy. Did not do as well with eating. It didn't help that I made fudge, a weakness. LOL! Sleeping hasn't been great with nightmares almost every night. I don't know what's up with that. 

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Thank Goodness It's Sunday

~ Gorgeous days

~ Visiting with friends

~ Yummy Grill Night

~ Early Christmas presents

~ God's grace 

Friday, December 6, 2024

Brain Dump

If a fetus - baby - is a clump of cells, then you are a clump of cells. 

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

TBR 2024

146. All I Want For Christmas is a Marine (Holiday Op collection) by Tara Nina contemporary romance. I enjoyed the story, but a couple scenes would be rated PG-13. 

147Mission Mistletoe (Holiday Op collection) by Lori Avocato contemporary romance.

148. Christmas with Tiffany by Carolyn Carey contemporary romance.

149A Christmas Collection: Classic Cookies and Fudge by Catherine Leigh e cookbook.

150. Heirs of Falcon Point (Falcon Point series Prologue) by Traci Hunter Abramson, Sian Ann Bessey, Paige Edwards, A. L. Sowards suspense. Happiness is the first book in a nail-biting series. 

Monday, December 2, 2024

REAL 2024 Dec 2

I'm increasing my physical therapy, doing more leg lifts to help my knees, and walking more. It feels good. Another walker complimented me on my T-shirt: Working to restore God's original factory settings. LOL! I think I'm sleeping better. I'm eating better now that I'm trying to cut out highly processed food, and I think it's helping. Time will tell.

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Thank Goodness It's Sunday

~ House maintaining a pretty consistent temperature

~ Electric fireplace, including a heater to warm things up just a little

~ Thanksgiving

~ Lunch at Kneaders with sibs and spouses 

~ God's grace 

Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.