Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A bit of silliness...

Have you seen the new SkyRider seats? The ones that are on the design table for future airline travel? I saw the announcement first yesterday, at Yahoo News, and again today. Walk with me through my thought process, possibly a dangerous journey but hopefully amusing, and at least I won't be alone.

Imagine: a standing seat for airlines. Really. Better yet, go find a picture and come back, I'll wait for you. (I really need to have my sister teach me how to post my own pictures, except that I wouldn't use the feature much.) Never mind. We'll start this exploration at the beginning, my first thoughts when I saw the picture of those seats:


~Remember how you hated that guy for reclining his seat into your lap? Now he's practically in your lap and he hasn't moved his seat at all. There is no hope for a reprieve because that seat ain't movin'.
~Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to flight 13, the flying elevator, for the next three hours. Enjoy the ride.
~Don't plan on working on your laptop, unless it is one of those itty-bitty ones. Wait, is there even a table? Ooookkkaaayyyy, the iPad should be a shoe-in. It's small enough. Don't bother bringing binders or folders; there isn't room.

Then I read the article, and this paragraph stood out: "For flights anywhere from one to possibly even up to three hours ... this would be comfortable seating," he says. "The seat ... is like a saddle. Cowboys ride eight hours on their horses during the day and still feel comfortable in the saddle."

Read it again. And think about it.

I owned a horse. Riding for three hours leaves me feeling it the next day or two or three. Even an hour can leave me miserable. And lucky you, your flight is delayed on the tarmac, for four hours. And just for the record: The only time I felt comfortable in the saddle for eight hours was after I'd had a couple of days of feeling horrendously miserable. Can't move miserable. Want to scream every time I move miserable. (Hey, when you only have four days to ride as much as you want, you do what you have to do.) Quit crying and drag yourself up there, even if you do feel like your leg muscles are being ripped in half. Lovely thought, I know.

Now, take the logic a little bit further. You know, think ahead. Consider the possible draw backs. One word: Turbulence.

I'm going to give you a minute to think about that one, though I imagine you've already seen the potential problem, particularly to the male population, though the women won't be too impressed either.

It only takes being on a bucking horse once to know it isn't comfortable no matter what gender you are. Now, I only fly but once or twice a year. Even so, I've had more than a few times that I've found myself slammed into my seat by a bumpy flight.

How in the world did this design ever make it out of the brainstorming stage? Inquiring minds want to know, or not.

Please, not the future of any flight for me. Oh, wait, what was I thinking? It isn't stated but clearly this isn't meant for the general public; this is for the svelte and perfectly fit. Isn't it? Just wait until you find yourself seated beside a basketball player, or better yet, a football player, or a child too big to be on a parent's lap. Yep, good luck with that.


  1. Links are easier to add. - I found a variety of pictures, the recliners should be ok but standing let's say lawsuit. I fall asleep on a plane. Yup I can fall asleep standing up, just not too balanced. Or can you imagine a wheel chair? Will it be locked into place? Or I can't stand for 3 hours, I pass out. The possibilities seem endless when you multiple that times thousands of people that do not have perfect health. WOW

  2. LOL! Their reasoning is cowboys?! Dumbest. Comment. Ever. Do they realize how long it takes to get the body used to that much abuse? Oh jeeze. This world can only go downhill from here...

  3. my first thought on the cowboy analogy was, umm, they give themselves space and don't ride in herds! AND they can get off every once in a while to STRETCH

  4. Thanks, Flutterby, for the advice.

    Yes, Kathy, my thought exactly.

    And Janet, I'm laughing at the idea of cowboys riding in herds. Is that anything like herding cats?

  5. LOL ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH... clearly these seats are designed for the 'beautiful' (read: filthy rich) people. People who pay someone to help them do their cardio and weight and etc. training daily and who have a food guru to tell them what to eat and who aren't like real people.
    Oh, wait! The beautiful (read: rich) people would always be flying first class (wide seats) -- very rich would be on a chartered plane (wide seats again, if they wish), and the filthy rich own their own airplanes and either have their own pilot on retainer, or fly themselves -- again, in wide seats. So....... hmmmmmmmm.... this leaves these skinny new horrible airline seats for ... the poorest people? Who are skinny against their will? Who could never afford a plane ticket.

    I KNOW! They'll use them for the "little people" tribe that they discovered in Papua New Guinea (or wherever it was)..the ones the anthropologists were calling real-life hobbits.
    Here's the link:

    Oh, wait! They're extinct!!


    LOL I loved the part about feeling like your legs have been ripped in half after riding. (Altho' not funny in real life, but the way you said it was funny)...


  6. Thanks for making me laugh, Mary! More hamsters turning in my brain or, in other words, follow the bouncing thought process.

    When you described the beautiful people as the filthy rich my first thought was Donald Trump. Not. No offense, Big Don! And you're right about first class and one's one plane. I want one! They aren't very big, so maybe two would be better... planning ahead.

    Wait! It all makes perfect sense, now! It's a conspiracy!! The developers of that ridiculousness want to get rich, and think of all the new jobs it will create! It will start with the special diets so you are thin enough, then of course it will be followed by the special exercises so your muscles are properly toned, and finally, last but not least, special plastic surgery to shorten or lengthen your legs as needed! It's diabolical! (Those with arthritis or other limitation are simply out of luck. No more grandma and grandpa coming to visit, what with their arthritis and such.)

    Better idea: Those who developed it will endure the first test flight, sandwiched by wrestlers and football players, flying through a storm. They can even give it a catchy name like "New Thrill Ride for Those Who Believe That Every Situation Will Have Perfect Conditions." Little to long? Sort of like that flight is going to be.

  7. Maybe they can call in Pony up Airlines and provide cowboy hats in flight. Got to look the part. Thanks for the link. I hadn't found this idea. I found several others that are also potentially on the list for cruel and unusual punishment.

  8. :-) I don't know. I'd hate to insult the ponies or the cowboys. I mean, horse therapy is amazing. Maybe complimentary bottles of liniment, not more than 3 oz of course.

  9. Knowing some of the cowboys I know, then Yes, I think it would be the same as herding cats Judy! and after riding on these, I don't think just 3oz of liniment would be enough.....


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.