Saturday, September 4, 2010

Winds of change...

This week has been an interesting study in perceptions. A debate was televised. I was astonished at the opinions after. Despite what has been happening for the past six months, people radically changed their minds because of a short program. One candidate came across well, the other did not. I didn't bother to watch because I had already made my decision based on the past six months of events. (I only started tuning in about six months ago.) I was gobsmacked when one person said they'd decided not to vote for one of the candidates because they didn't like their hairstyle. What?! Wake up! Character matters!!

Then I was called for a survey on the upcoming election. I was surprised to be asked questions I thought irrelevant and biased, in the extreme, ie, no matter how I answered it would skew the perspective. The person asking the questions was very polite, but they were also trapped by wording. There was no "other" or "nobody's business but mine" answers. The poller was doing their job, but whoever wrote it definitely had an agenda. I was pleased to realize that for the most part I answered honestly and thoughtfully. On a couple of the questions, I did fall into the automatic response instead of thinking before speaking, but not once did I answer with what I thought was expected.

So, I reflect on the past and I realize that I have a lot of voter's remorse, too many candidates that if I'd done my homework I never would have voted for. Too many things in my life that I allowed to go on because it was easier and because I'd decided not to decide. If I don't like where I am, there's no one to blame but me. By and large, I've done the best I know how, but then again, let's face it, I didn't always take the opportunity to learn differently. How in the world am I supposed to stand up for myself if I don't know what I believe or think or feel?

I must admit that I heard something that really made me stop and think. Not too long ago, I saw an interview with Sarah Palin, in regards to her daughter. The interviewer asked if Sarah believed in going with the flow. Sarah promptly replied, "Only dead fish go with the flow." At first, I rolled my eyes. Then I let it sink in. I've been a rabble rouser, on occasion. Looking back, it was rarely about things that really mattered. Why? I was trained early to be whatever the other person wanted me to be. Withdrawing became my position of choice. Not much good to anyone, including myself. A dead fish, or pretty near it, or not so pretty as the case may be. Fortunately, God knows all about resurrecting the dead, so there's hope, but I have to choose and in order for me to choose, I have to know what the choices are. And we find ourselves back at doing homework! The good news is, I'm finding it far more interesting than I ever imagined. The world is an amazing place. People are fascinating. No more drifting with the winds. Time to set my sail, and learn to work with the winds to go where I want to go, instead of allowing them to blow me about higgledy-piggledy. None of it will do any good if I don't set a course, but with God, the path is clear.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.