Friday, February 16, 2018


11. 12 Strong by Doug Stanton nonfiction. Yes, it's the book on which the movie is based. The book, of course, is more detailed. I won't be watching the movie. I can handle the violence in the written word, but I don't handle the sight of blood well. I have had friends who lived in the Middle East, missionaries and military. They changed my perspective; this book confirmed what I'd learned from them. I'm glad I read it, but I'm not sure I'll read it again. Mr. Stanton did his homework.

12. Private Reasons by Justine Davis contemporary romance. This book is actually followed by Wicked Secrets. The heroine in the latter is a secondary character in the former. This only matters to people, like me, who like to read books in order. Both books stand alone. One of the things I love about Justine Davis' books is that I'm able to see myself in her characters. They struggle with many of the same things I do.

13. GMC: Goal, Motivation and Conflict The Building Blocks of Good Fiction by Debra Dixon nonfiction. This book has been in my TBR pile for a long time. I'm not sure how useful I'll find it. I know authors who love it and swear by it. As I read, I had trouble processing some of the information in an understandable manner for me. This is not an unusual problem for me. I wish I could explain it, but I can't. The way some people write I'm able to adapt their ideas into a message I'm able to incorporate into my thinking. Other writers feel like they're trying to force squares into circles. I didn't find this particularly helpful, but others will.

14. Upon the Storm by Justine Davis contemporary romance. Another of Justine Davis' early books. Steamier than her later books. I've said it before and saying it again that I love her characters and see myself in them. I enjoying seeing her work through some of my own struggles because it's a completely different perspective.

15. To Hold an Eagle by Justine Davis contemporary romance. It's book 2 of the Reese books, but book 1 isn't available in paperback unless I purchase used. And, yes, I just purchased it. I want to know the hero's sister's story, too. I give 5 stars to stories that inspire me to buy another book by the same author. Her stories inspire me to be more courageous, more adventurous, more outgoing, a better person.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.