Friday, August 3, 2018

Brain Dump

Some new study declares that if you have to schedule fun time, then you defeat the purpose. Really?

How much did this study cost? Couldn't that money have been better spent elsewhere?

Spontaneous is not the definition of fun. Ask anyone who's lived through a microburst or a tornado.

By your definition, the trip that is planned for months or years isn't fun.

If you are one of those who enjoys spontaneity, then the findings MAY hold true.

However, if you don't, then this is a lie and adds guilt to people who already struggle with spontaneous friends and family who criticize us for not being more spontaneous.

The truth is that different personality types view fun differently. What? People aren't one size fits all? Strange but true.

Dear So-Called Experts:

STOP IT! You are not helpful. You're not experts on every single person on the planet. You studied a few people. On a planet with over 7.6 billion people, trust me, you only studied a few.

What you are teaching me: You are self-absorbed and frankly, disturbingly ignorant.

Why don't you turn that time, energy, and money you are wasting into studying something that will actually help the world, like improving how recycling is done, on the transforming end or some other problem no one is tackling or maybe taking a different approach.

Make yourselves useful.

That was fun. Oh, and spontaneous.


  1. I actually think scheduled fun is the best kind, because it's something you look forward to, as well as being a way to reward yourself for working or finishing a project. Also, those who tend to fill the schedule with work and busyness all the time, need to schedule fun to be sure they have some, otherwise they will burn out.

    Anyway, I agree with you! We have some scheduled fun coming up, starting next weekend as we take a two week, planned out vacation to WI, specifically Door County. I'm looking forward to it so much, I know it will be fun even if a lot of it is planned and not spontaneous!

    1. *high five* I hope you had fun! :-)

      I'll have to keep a closer eye on Blogger as it's been persnickety about informing me of comments. Computers are both blessing and curse. :-)


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.