Saturday, January 12, 2019


1. A Soldier's Tale by Elizabeth Rolls Regency romance. This is my favorite Christmas romance.

2. More Pages From the Red Suit Diaries by Ed Butchart is a follow up to his previous book, sharing his experiences as a Santa Claus. What a remarkable man. Anyone can choose to be more like him.

3. Slave Stealers: True Accounts of Slave Rescues Then and Now by Timothy Ballard, with forward by Mike Tomlin. Mr. Ballard created O.U.R. Operation Underground Railroad. It's a modern day organization dedicated to freeing modern day slaves. The slave trade is more lucrative than gun running and drugs combined. Millions of people, men, women, and children, are in slavery, right now. Mr. Ballard and all those who work with him are determined to end it. In the book, Mr. Ballard lists a number of organizations that are involved in the battle. Choose one. Many people say that if they'd been alive during the Civil War they would have been an abolitionist. Be one now.

4. Flee from Evil (Water's Edge Book 1) by Connie Almony Christian Suspense romance. A page turner. She tackled a difficult topic, forgiveness. It mostly tied up at the end, but a few things were left for the next book. Like many Christian romances, discussion question show up at the end of the book. I wonder if I need to add a few to my own books but probably won't.

5. Living with a Seal by Jesse Itzler is about his experience when he hires a Navy SEAL to live with him for a month and train him. At the original printing of the book, the identity of the SEAL wasn't revealed. He was referred to simply as SEAL. If you're easily offended by bad language and rude and crude behavior, this book isn't for you. If you understand the context and accept these men for who they are, you might want to check it out. David Goggins, SEAL, is one of my chosen mentors. I've learned a great deal from listening to interviews with him and following him on social media. I've purchases his recent book, Can't Hurt Me, but wanted to read LwaS first. It was worth it to me.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.