Friday, February 1, 2019

Brain Dump

Stop with the toxic masculinity stupidity. Where's the commercial about toxic femininity?

There's no such thing. There are toxic people. It isn't gender specific. Stop it.

Boys roughhousing is not toxic masculinity. Boys playing army and war is not toxic masculinity.

Bullying is not a male-specific problem. I've been bullied more often and more cruelly by girls/women than I ever was by boys/men.

Masculinity: Qualities or attributes regarded as characteristics of men.

My definition of masculinity: Priest (holds God as his leader), protector, provider

Toxic: Containing or being poisonous material especially when capable of causing death or serious debilitation.

Toxic themes are rampant in porn culture. Porn is not exclusive to men. Where is the outcry to end pornography?

Stop harassing boys and girls for choosing to remain virgins. Stop saying that sex is necessary for a happy life. Stop pretending that multiple partners is healthy. Stop sexualizing children. Stop sexualizing men and women.

People, men and women, choose to be disrespectful of others. People, men and women, choose to use others. People, men and women, choose to abuse others. Toxicity is a people thing.

It isn't about masculinity or femininity, it's about a person choosing respect. Sadly, today's world treats respect like it's a stupid old-fashioned quality and then wonders why people are so toxic.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.