Wednesday, March 6, 2019


16. SEALed with a Ring (SEALed series book 3) by Mary Margaret Daughtridge contemporary romance. Some language and steamy scenes. The author has some insights that spoke to me.

17. SEALed Forever (SEALed series book 4) by Mary Margaret Daughtridge contemporary romance. As far as I know, this was her last book. Keeping the series.

18. Heretic by G. K. Chesterton a collection of 20 essays, published by Chesterton in 1905. I didn't know some of the names mentioned, and in those essays I focused on how his time parallels with ours. It was interesting to read his opinion of several of the names I knew. It was fascinating to see the world of 1905 through Chesterton's eyes. Some of his opinions would fit right in. I didn't agree with him on some things, but on others I thought him spot on. It might be interesting to take a class or have a study group focused on sharing insights. Some of his observations are delightful nonsense and sometimes he's making light of nonsense. Maybe I'll buy the book in paperback (it's free on Kindle) and do my own study.

19. The Best is Yet to Come: Novella Bonus for Her Best Match (The Best Girls series book 0) by Tamie Dearen sweet contemporary romance. Fun start to the series.

20. Her Best Match (The Best Girls series book 1) by Tamie Dearen sweet contemporary romance. I didn't like the heroine, at first. Then I realized she babbles, like I do, and it isn't a trait I like in myself. Once I recognized that, I thoroughly enjoyed the story and bought the next book. I've added Tamie Dearen to my Yes list.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.