Friday, November 15, 2019

Brain Dump

To my liberal friend: You complained about big business only being concerned about the bottom line.

Are you paying attention to what's happening in healthcare? Across the world?

If you're very young, very old, or have multiple health problems, you are on the bottom of the priority list. Those with more to offer society will receive care first, even if you've been on the waiting list longer. Great if you're on the preferred list, but not great if you're considered a less desirable.

Please don't insult me by saying that there are no death panels. What do you think the bottom line in healthcare is? Deciding who deserves treatment and who doesn't.

Have you heard of the 10-day rule in Texas? Hospitals can unplug any patients they don't think have a good quality of life. It doesn't matter that the patient is awake and aware. The powers that be are perfectly fine with suffocating a patient who can't breathe  without a ventilator. They have no problem starving a patient to death.

Don't believe me? Do your homework.

Stop pretending like socialism will save the world.

Socialism is only worried about the bottom line, and people are not the bottom line.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.