Friday, July 31, 2020

Brain Dump

What would Jesus do? According to many Christians, Jesus would wear a mask.


Remember the lepers? Society shunned the lepers and forced them into isolation and colonies separate from the rest of society. Jesus healed them anyway.

The woman with an issue of blood was required, by law, to remain separate from others. She touched Jesus' robe. Jesus healed her anyway.

Those who committed adultery were stoned to death. Jesus saved the woman caught in adultery anyway and told her to go and sin no more.

The dead were considered unclean. Jesus raised them anyway.

In fact, the only thing Jesus tossed out were demons.

Jesus healed people and brought them back into society. He didn't shun anyone, except demons. He didn't turn anyone away, except demons. He didn't force anyone into isolation; He sent demons into swine. He broke societal rules left and right. He included all those society shunned. He even chose a disciple who was a tax collector. Gasp!

What would Jesus do? Jesus wouldn't wear a mask. Jesus would heal the sick and afflicted.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.