Friday, October 9, 2020

Brain Dump

 Mail in ballots: 

Those who believe that mail in ballots are a good idea:

Never lost anything of value in the mail.

Never had something show up late in the mail.

Never had something delivered to the wrong house but blessedly had a person willing to deliver it to the correct address.

Never had something delivered to the wrong house but the person was unwilling to even walk it next door.

Believes perfection exists outside of God.

Side note: When it's the only option, it's a good choice. 


  1. My son votes absentee but delivers the completed ballot to a box just outside city hall because he doesn't trust the mail. We have resisted all efforts from IL to request mail in ballots, because Chicago is the absolute worst for untrustworthy mail! We plan to vote early in person as soon as that opens up later this month.


Brain Dump

"News" outlets, also known as propaganda machines, release articles including pictures from movies or unrelated documentaries but ...