Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Celebrate Easter...

...with Blessing Basket

The thirteenth novella in the series...

Welcome back to Holiday, USA, small town America, where nothing happens, except holidays... and a little romance, if the hero and heroine trust God.

Cici, Candy Crothers, lies to everyone, except her Holiday Diner boss, only because he informed her if she lied to him he'd fire her. She ran away from an ugly past and still worries it might catch up to her. Sharing her nightmares is nowhere on her list of things to do, ever.

Trace Brown left the Army honorably but not unscathed. Anger controls his life, holding him back from pretty much everything, including becoming a chef at Holiday Diner. The diner's head hostess intrigues him, but not enough to risk sharing his day-to-day battle with PTSD.

Nothing can drive God away. His hand is stretched out still. He is always there, waiting...

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

One Day Follow Up

How'd I do, so far?

Physical therapy ~ So far so good

Walk ~ So far so good

Scripture study ~ So far so good

Edits ~ So far so good

Read ~ So far so good

Eat healthy ~ So far so good

Good sleep ~ Not so good

Errands ~ Not yet

Make something fun ~ Not yet

Give the battle to God

Praise God in the storm

Monday, March 29, 2021

Carpe Diem

What needs to be done?

Physical therapy


Scripture study



Eat healthy

Good sleep


Make something fun

Give the battle to God

Praise God in the storm

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Thank Goodness it's Sunday 561

~ Being able to interact with favorite authors on social media

~ Happy Memories

~ Great stories

~ Blooming flowers

~ God's grace

Saturday, March 27, 2021

End of the Week Follow Up

How'd I do?

Physical therapy ~ Done

Walk ~ Done

Scripture study ~ Done

Edits ~ Progressing

Read ~ Done

Eat healthy ~ Good and bad but mostly good

Good sleep ~ Sometimes good, sometimes not

Errands ~ Done

Give the battle to God

Praise God in the storm

Thursday, March 25, 2021

REAL Week 608

REAL - Reduce stress Exercise Adequate sleep Lower caloric intake

What Navy SEALs are required to do to make it into BUD/S:
Right up front: Never in a million years could I do what is required. However, I needed to start somewhere. Considering how fit the SEALs are, I figured it was a good place to start. My pushups are against the wall.

Using 1, 2, and/or 4-lb weights:
PT ~ Physical therapy
UBP ~ Upper body exercises, pushups, and chair sits against the wall

SEALFit shared some good hints I want to learn and remember:

19: 1/2-mile walk PT UBP 0-lb x3 Stretch

20: 1-1/4 mile walk PT UBP 0-lb x3 1-lb x3 Stretch

21: Rest

22: 1-1/2 mile walk PT UBP 0-lb x3 1-lb x3 Stretch

23: 1/2 mile walk PT UBP 0-lb 
x3 Stretch

24: 1-1/mile walk PT UBP 0-lb x3 1-lb x3 Stretch

25: 1/2-mile walk PT UBP 0-lb x3 Stretch 

Wednesday, March 24, 2021


31. Spotlight (Saint Squad series Book 9by Traci Hunter Abramson Christian suspense romance. I've seen a few interviews with the author and like her as a person as well as a writer. I also admire her storytelling ability and wealth of ideas. 

32. Tripwire (Saint Squad series Book 10by Traci Hunter Abramson Christian suspense romance. Amazing how words on a page create heart-pumping tension. Breathe. 

33. Kept Secrets by Traci Hunter Abramson Christian suspense romance. This is a stand alone book, but a Guardian does make an appearance. Though I've read it before, more than once, it's still hard for me to put down.

34. Failsafe (Guardian series Book 1) by Traci Hunter Abramson Christian suspense romance. This book is the official start of the Guardian series. Heart pounding suspense. The Guardians are a fascinating concept.

35. Safe House (Guardian series Book 2) by Traci Hunter Abramson Christian suspense romance. Always tough to put down a good book. 

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

One Day Follow Up

How'd I do, so far?

Physical therapy ~ So far so good

Walk ~ So far so good

Scripture study ~ So far so good

Edits ~ So far so good

Read ~ So far so good

Eat healthy ~ So far so good

Good sleep ~ Not really

Errands ~ Not yet

Make something fun ~ Not yet

Give the battle to God

Praise God in the storm

Monday, March 22, 2021

Carpe Diem

What needs to be done?

Physical therapy


Scripture study



Eat healthy

Good sleep


Make something fun

Give the battle to God

Praise God in the storm

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Thank Goodness it's Sunday 560

~ Seagull Book store

~ Finding a better place for buying one of my favorite author's books

~ Buying  a shamrock plant instead of donuts

~ Time with friends

~ God's grace

Saturday, March 20, 2021

End of the Week Follow Up

How'd I do?

Physical therapy ~ Done

Walk ~ Done

Scripture study ~ Done

Edits ~ Progressing

Read ~ Done

Eat healthy ~ Good and bad but mostly good

Good sleep ~ Sometimes good, sometimes not

Errands ~ Done

Make something fun ~ Nope

Give the battle to God

Praise God in the storm

Friday, March 19, 2021

Brain Dump

A certain man, rich in the things of this world but poor in wisdom, has decided that he will save the world from global warming by dimming the sun. "Those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it." God already allowed that to happen. Perhaps the rich man should take a few seconds to look up "The Year Without Summer." Look it up. It'll show up in the first several options: 1816 Weather Disaster. The rich man thinks he is clever and presenting a new idea, but a volcano beat him to his great idea: Mount Tambora. Starvation ensued. (Not the only time it's happened either.) God protect us from men who refuse to learn. 

Thursday, March 18, 2021

REAL Week 607

REAL - Reduce stress Exercise Adequate sleep Lower caloric intake

What Navy SEALs are required to do to make it into BUD/S:
Right up front: Never in a million years could I do what is required. However, I needed to start somewhere. Considering how fit the SEALs are, I figured it was a good place to start. My pushups are against the wall.

Using 1, 2, and/or 4-lb weights:
PT ~ Physical therapy
UBP ~ Upper body exercises, pushups, and chair sits against the wall

SEALFit shared some good hints I want to learn and remember:

12: 1/2-mile walk PT UBP 0-lb x3 Stretch

13: 1-mile walk PT UBP 0-lb x3 1-lb x3 Stretch

14: Rest

15: 1-1/2 mile walk PT UBP 0-lb x3 1-lb x3 Stretch

16: 1/2 mile walk PT UBP 0-lb 
x3 Stretch

17: 1-1/mile walk PT UBP 0-lb x3 1-lb x3 Stretch

18: 1/2-mile walk PT UBP 0-lb x3 Stretch 

Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.