Friday, March 5, 2021

Brain Dump

I saw a quote from a guy who sounded oh-so reasonable. He criticized those who complained about the recent banning of six books by Dr. Seuss. He said that it was only six books out of hundreds. Numerous people applauded this "reasonable" decision. Did he miss the part where Dr. Seuss was banned from the reading list on national reading day? Not just his six books but him, the author. There's no book burning going on, not anymore; we're so much more civilized now; we simply delete them from existence. 

I'm not defending Seuss because I'm a fan. I'm not. The non-words drive me crazy. I have trouble enough reading without trying to figure out if the words in the book are real or not. I also hate green eggs and ham. Green eggs are overcooked, and green ham is spoiled; they're disgusting. Trying to make me like them by being cutesy makes me want to gag. 

Reason has been abandoned for pretending to be superior, more righteous, more compassionate than those who dislike banning books. One is so busy being better than those who disagree that one fails to see they are choosing the adversary's plan to remove free agency, one little, silly book at a time. Before one can blink, one is in bondage to the adversary's demand for total control. 

Choose you this day, whom you will serve. Me? I choose God and the right to choose, right or wrong, without someone who isn't God telling me which is which.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.