Monday, October 21, 2024

Rings of Power Season 2 Episodes 8

You can't drop lanterns like that and have them still burning. I wanted to like this series. Each season, each episode gives glimmers but overall is a disappointment. Over and over they steal from LOTR, without a proper storyline. It's more like they patched together a bunch of scenes that they either cut and paste from Tolkien or made up from other Sci-Fi-/Fantasy stories, with a nonsensical progression. They've pulled bits of the future and attempted to plug it into the past where it doesn't belong and fails to create any rhyme or reason. It's like a committee wrote it, each writing what they thought the story should be and then they glommed it altogether, like a modern artist throwing paint against the canvas and calling it art. The fan fiction writers clearly don't comprehend Sauron or his nature. Not a prisoner of the rings but a slave. Sauron's tears are crocodile tears. Sauron wanted to destroy not save. Tolkien clearly separated evil and good. He wrote characters that chose evil to the point of moving beyond redemption. Violence, as much as they could cram in. The writers give the feeling that they are so caught up in the world of surface living today that they have no comprehension of what Tolkien and those of his time endured, the depth of his understanding and insights, hard won. They want the easy way, and it shows. The sets and CGI is impressive. This is not Lord of the Rings. Only borrowed names and places for a story unworthy of Tolkien. Perhaps I would have enjoyed it more if they hadn't advertised it as LOTR. False advertising leaves a bad taste in my mouth. 

Men of the West, on YouTube, reviewed the show with more leniency and more details.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.