Sunday, May 19, 2019

Thank Goodness It's Sunday 466

~ Air conditioning

~ A brief cool down, out of the 90s and into the 80s

~ Flowers

~ Favorite authors

~ God's grace


  1. Glad things got a bit more comfortable for you out there, as far as the heat goes. Here in the Midwest we would love for it to be in the 80's! We still have to wear our winter coats from time to time, and it's almost June! Every now and then we have a warm day, but then it's gone. At least it looks like spring out there, but it doesn't feel like it. The warm is coming very slowly, so that even a person who dislikes the heat is pining for some warmth!

    1. I put my coat away at the beginning of April. I put away my long-sleeve shirts, too. LOL! I'd share the warmth if I could. Pity you can't ship some of that cool air this way. ;-)


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.