Friday, September 27, 2019

Brain Dump

This was posted on a friend's social media. I politely chose not to respond. They're allowed to believe what they want. I'm not the thought police. I needed to explore each topic, to explain to myself what I believe and why:

7. I am not anti-Christian. I have no desire to stop Christians from being Christians, to close churches, to ban the Bible, to forbid prayer in school, etc. (BTW, prayer in school is NOT illegal; *compulsory* prayer in school is - and should be - illegal). All I ask is that Christians recognize *my* right to live according to *my* beliefs. When I get pissed off that a politician is trying to legislate Scripture into law, I'm not "offended by Christianity" -- I'm offended that you're trying to force me to live by your religion's rules. You know how you get really upset at the thought of Muslims imposing Sharia law on you? That's how I feel about Christians trying to impose biblical law on me. Be a Christian. Do your thing. Just don't force it on me or mine.

The United States of America is built on Judeo-Christian principles, the Bible and the Ten Commandments, not secularism. It is Judeo-Christian principles that have made it possible for others to practice their faith or lack thereof. Has it been done perfectly? Of course not. People aren't perfect.

Unfortunately, the "don't force it on me or mine" crowd have decided that they must drive all signs of Judeo-Christian practices out of sight. Judeo-Christian believers are expected to shut up and accept the degrading of their faith and being sued for practicing their religion.

Before berating me for my intolerance, I've lived in another country where Judeo-Christian was in the minority, a very tiny minority. I was respectful of the national religion. I didn't expect them to observe anything to do with my faith. I didn't begrudge them practicing their faith. I didn't try to stop them, nor was I offended. I even participated in a few things, out of respect. Why am I not allowed to expect the same respect in my own country?

Legislating Scripture into law? Is this referring to ending abortion? The murder of children? When Roe vs. Wade was passed it was passed as something that would be "rare." More black babies are aborted in NYC than are born. Millions of babies have been aborted. How is that rare? Not backing down on that one.

The right to free speech, yours and mine, is backed by the Constitution that addressed 146 violations of the Bible. Yes, the Constitution is Bible based. Really. Do the homework. Go back to the original documents not the histories written without any documentation. Those last ones are called opinions not history. For the record, anyone is free to move to a different country that is free of the burden of Judeo-Christian beliefs at anytime, provided the country allows it. Many have pretty tough restrictions.

"Separation of Church and State" is nowhere in the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Bill of Rights, or any other official founding document. It was in a letter, written by Thomas Jefferson, to assure a small Baptist sect that the government would not interfere with the practices of their religion. What IS in the Constitution is NOT Freedom FROM religion but Freedom OF religion.

My choice to be offended is not your responsibility. Your CHOICE to be offended is not my responsibility.

One last thing: Some Christians drive me crazy. I find their behavior offensive. However, I remind myself that they are protected by the same rights I am and give them to God's keeping.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.