Friday, February 7, 2020

Brain Dump

Social Media

What good is "Show Less of..." if the page doesn't show less? Yes, Yahoo, I'm talking to you. I'm not interested in Celebrity News. What is my newsfeed full of? Yep, you guessed it, Celebrity News. I click on the little option on the side and request "Show Less..." and I have more Celebrity News to the point where I have practically nothing else. Before I made the requests, I had a little more balance in the newsfeed. All balance is gone. I don't care about celebrities. I really don't. They're people, like the rest of us. They get more camera time, but otherwise they aren't any more special than anyone else. Frankly, their lives are pretty messed up, from what the headlines say. Why would I want to know about their failings and unhealthy lifestyles?

As much as FB can annoy me with their manipulations, I've worked hard to create a newsfeed filled with flowers, the beach, inspiring quotes, beautiful homes, news from friends, and more. I have to be careful I don't lose hours of time better used elsewhere.

I miss the old Pinterest, but I'm making do. I don't spend as much time there, unless I'm looking for something specific. It's a great resource for recipes and weird information.

YouTube has become more useful. I figured out how to use notifications.

I'm having to learn to use delete or ignore or scroll for blogs, videos, podcasts. There's only so much time in a day. A timer can be useful.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.