Friday, March 27, 2020

Brain Dump

Horrors! 1-2 million people could die of the current virus. Maybe. Actually, there are no accurate projections because this has never happened before. "There are three kinds of falsehoods, lies, damn lies, and statistics." - Arthur James Balfour. In truth, no one knows. The number is already far lower than originally projected.

People are exclaiming about how many people are testing positive. Well, yeah. No one was being tested before. Who knows how many had the virus before? We don't know. We will never know. As more people are tested, more people will test positive.

My sister reminded me of a story we'd heard years ago. As a king left his country to visit another kingdom, he was met by Pestilence. Pestilence declared he'd take 500 of the king's subjects. This saddened the king, but these things happen. Upon returning to his kingdom, the king learned that 500,000 had died. The king summoned Pestilence and raged, "You said you'd only take 500!" Pestilence replied, "I only took 500. Fear took the rest."

I'm not trying to downplay how awful the Chinese coronavirus is. No, I don't blame Chinese people for living where it started. Not anymore than I blame the Spanish for Spanish Flu, people of Connecticut for Lyme Disease, or a host of other diseases named for their location of origin. Debating this is a waste of time and energy.

Here's a fact for you: There are 20.9 Million victims of Trafficking World wide as of 2012 (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime), and that number has done nothing but grown. Trafficking is now considered the most lucrative criminal trade, above weapons and drugs, as you can only sell the latter once, but you can sell the former over and over and over, every day. When one dies, you replace them with another.

Where is the outrage and hysteria?

According to WHO, it estimates that 40-50 million babies are aborted every year. That's exponentially higher than the worst projections for the virus.

We've turned our back on God. We don't worship Him or even living, as we lock ourselves away. We worship existing.

No one is getting out of this life alive. Something I'm asking myself: How will you choose to live?

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.