Friday, November 6, 2020

Brain Dump

How is it that Florida, with the 3rd largest population, was able to tally and report their votes within 3-1/2 hours of their polls closing? Why is it that Nevada, gambling capital of the world, can't count ballots? Why was one party able to kick out the other party, from where ballots are being cast and again later from where they're counted, when both parties supposedly will be represented? How is any area able to have over 100% turnout? How are ballots delivered to a vote counting location hours after it's closed, as determined by the state's own rules? Why did counting stop on election night, in some places? Did no one plan for overtime or an overnight shift? Why was a state called for one candidate when 0% of the state's most densely populated county was listed as unreported, minutes after the polls closed, and there were possibly people still in line to vote? Just wondering...

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.