Wednesday, February 1, 2023

TBR 2023

11Second Impressions  (Autumn Book 4) by Pepper Basham contemporary Christian romance, sprinkled with a generous amount of Jane Austen. Fun. 

12Shenandoah Watercolors by Beth Trissel non-fiction. The author shares snippets of her life for one year. The poetic prose paint vivid pictures. Some moments bring laughter and some tears. 

13. Honor Bound (Love and Honor Book 1) by Hallee Bridgeman suspense Christian romance. Great story.

14The Five-Year Guide to Self-Sufficiency by Amelia Barrows non-fiction. Year by year, a clear plan is laid out to become self-sufficient, from gardening (what to start out with and what to add as the years go by) to livestock (chickens, goats, cattle, bees, sheep, and more) to canning and bottling to alternative energy. This basic guide fascinated me but also assured me I'm not up for the challenge. I have trouble keeping "hard-to-kill" houseplants alive. I've had one successful garden. It was labor intensive and was lost the following year to bugs. I also don't have the space. Fascinating. 

15The Best Mistakes (Dream's Edge #2.5) by Traci Hunter Abramson romance. As always, another story difficult to put down. I'm looking forward to the last book being released on February 14th. 

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.