Friday, July 17, 2015

Simple update...

It's been a difficult week.

I'm behind on my writing schedule, and yet I'm very happy with what I have accomplished.

My leg was doing so much better. On Tuesday, as mentioned, I felt like something tore, again, in my lower leg. However, here it is a few days later, and I think I'm doing better. Not back to where I was before Tuesday, but recovering far more quickly than I did after my fall in February.

Weird sleeping. Sometimes good. Sometimes very little.

Not enjoying the present read and yet enjoying parts of it. Little things are bothering me, and yet there are a few things that have grabbed me. I'm ready for it to be over and I'm only 2/3 the way through.

Weird frame of mind. I think I'm making some significant changes in my thought process, but I'm not sure. Maybe I'm simply out of sorts, except I like this new way. We'll see if it's a permanent change, or if I'm simply being flakey. Yippee.

I like my new routine for my dictation, working on it every day, for less than an hour.

My inability to focus for any length of time, for the most part, is frustrating. Squirrel!

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.