Friday, August 18, 2017

One more day...

...and Christmas Lost still isn't finished. I'm distracted. Tired. So... for a bit of a change:

Experimenting with crispy rice treats, using generic crispy rice cereal.

Original Recipe on the Kroger Crispy Rice cereal box (I didn't see a copyright, so I hope they don't mind me sharing here. It's a yummy, easy recipe.):

1/4 cup butter

10 oz bag of mini marshmallows

1 teaspoon vanilla

6-1/2 cups of Crispy Rice cereal

In a 2-quart sauce pan, on low, heat butter and marshmallows, stirring occasionally, until blended and smooth. Pour over cereal and mix. Pat into buttered 9" x 13" pan.

My first twist:

1/4 cup butter

10 oz bag of mini marshmallows

1 teaspoon Irish cream flavoring

6-1/2 cups of Crispy Rice cereal

My sister suggested I butter the bowl before measuring in the cereal. Better.

My second twist:

2 Tablespoons butter

2 Tablespoons coconut oil

10 oz bag of mini marshmallows

1 teaspoon Irish cream flavoring

6-1/2 cups of Crispy Rice cereal

Coconut oil in the bowl and butter in the pan. Even better.

My third twist:

I'm going to try using all coconut oil.

These are rambutan. I've always called them fuzzy strawberries in English. In Thai, they're ngoc. It isn't particularly sweet. It is juicy, and it was perfect on a hot Thai day. Kroger's here is called Fry's, and some of them carry interesting foods you don't usually find. Experiment a little. Have fun.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.