Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Brain Dump...

...about authors.

It's disappointing when an author I like makes errors in writing I simply can't overlook. I'm willing to give such authors a second chance if I like their overall storytelling. Unfortunately, cumulative problems take me out of the story, and the author is moved to the No List.

If your modern heroines decide to live like they're in another era, make sure you understand what's involved. Hand-washing clothes is not what most first world women think it is. I had to hand-wash clothes in Thailand, when the maid came down ill. It isn't a morning activity and done. Our clothes were not long dresses and petticoats and chemises, so a lot less material. It's all day, washing, rinsing, wringing, ironing. It's brutal. Your hands aren't a little red; they're red and hurt from the unfamiliar exercise. It's wearing, and if you're not used to it, you're pretty much done for the rest of the day. I was in the best shape of my life, and I thank God for washing machines and dryers.

Cleaning a large Victorian house isn't a couple hours every morning and done. There's a reason big houses had a large staff, upstairs maids, downstairs maids, footmen, kitchen staff, and more, all under the supervision of a butler and housekeeper to keep everything in order.

If you're heroes are SEALs, never have him wish for an easy day. Ever. Unless he follows up with the SEAL motto: The only easy day was yesterday. I've listened to numerous podcasts and interviews with SEALs, and this is not negotiable. They always always always quote, sooner or later, "The only easy day was yesterday." As individual as they are, they are also Team first. They form plans and know they will change and they have to be prepared to adapt. The heroes would have been fine, if they hadn't been SEALs. Too many of their actions were out of character.

Finally, war isn't about resources. War is about power and control. Whatever excuses are offered war is a battle between evil and evil fighting for supremacy or evil and good with evil thinking it can conquer good and if not conquer than make good suffer. Evil fails to comprehend that in the long run good conquers in a way that evil will never understand. Making war about resources oversimplifies the problem. It's hacking at the leaves of the problem instead of at the roots.

I think I'm done now. Letting it go.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.