Saturday, December 8, 2018

Brain Dump

The holidays are here, and I'm stressed. So, I'm taking the opportunity to be a bit snarky in a relatively safe way. Not many people read this blog, so not much risk of offending. If a person is offended, it's their choice. I don't post every comment made.

Anxiety for one person is not anxiety for another.

Some people are worrying about everything they need to do, having enough money, remembering everything, finding the right gift.

Some people worry about the next flashback, the next smell that throws you into a tailspin, the next meltdown because of limited coping skills.

All my nattering worries flew out the window when I fell, again. All my plans hit the trash heap as I now focus on recovering. Nothing like an injury to put life in perspective.

A few think I'm queen of all I survey. Ha!

If I were queen, my Christmas tree would have been up and decorated the day after Thanksgiving. The house would be decorated. I'd be making cookies and sharing with the neighbors. I'd have my friends' gifts wrapped and mailed.

Life happens.

I'm working hard to learn Give the battle to God and praise Him in the storm. I am learning, but it doesn't come easily. Funnily enough, reminding myself that nothing worthwhile comes easily doesn't help.


  1. Falling is so easy to do, and so hard to recover from! Praying you make enough progress in your recovery every day that you remain encouraged. Praying, too, that you are able to do enough of the things you want to do for the holidays that you feel happy with the result and suffer no setbacks while you recover. I wish I could come help you put up your tree!

    1. Swelling and black and blue, but recovering faster than I have in the past. Grateful my physical therapy paid off, as my back is doing fine. Thank you for the prayers and desire to help. It makes a difference. :-) <3


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.