Saturday, December 15, 2018

Brain Dump

We're living longer. At the same time, being overweight has become the top health concern. But we're living longer. Then we're told that being overweight shortens your life. Wait... what? We're living longer. Butter and bread and sugar and meat are cut from our diets but we're gaining weight. No one wants to look at what has been added to our diet: Fake sugar and soy. Maybe the problem isn't butter, bread, sugar, and meat, but fake sugar and soy.

I'm old enough to remember when soy was fed to cattle to fatten them up.

The experts complain that we're fattening up. So they advise us to cut butter, bread, sugar, and meat and eat soy because it's good for you. Wait... what?

I've cut soy from my diet.

My cravings have greatly reduced.

No, I'm not losing weight in huge amounts. However, I am losing weight, the healthy way, a little bit at a time.

The experts also say that you can't lose weight by walking. With my back, I can't do much more than my physical therapy and walking.

Dear experts,

You're fired.


Healthier me without you.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.