Friday, April 5, 2019

Brain Dump

Green New Deal = The Emperor's New Clothes

The Green New Deal should be mocked for it's ridiculousness.

I just flew across the country, in four hours, each way. By train, it would cost the same but take twice as long. Not to mention the fact that Amtrak is much like the US Post Office, deeply in debt, unable to make a profit. The GND wants to sink more money into a product that is unprofitable.

If you're going to cut out fossil fuels, please immediately turn in your phone, computer, television, and anything plastic ANYTHING, including things like replacement heart valves, syringes, IV bags and tubing, cars, hair dye, tents, sleeping bags, rain gear, vinyl, etc, etc, etc.

Wind farms are bird Cuisinart, i.e., choppers. They're useless if the wind isn't blowing. Sorry, but Congress cannot force the wind to blow... though it produces a great deal of hot air...

Solar panels require rare precious metals, available mostly from China, which doesn't care about the environment. The metals are also rare. What happens when they run out? Solar panels work best at around 72 degrees. Colder or hotter they become less effective. Battery storage is limited. Solar panels are dirtier to make and dispose of once they no longer work. Hail storms are brutal, not to mention tornadoes and hurricanes. Clouds make them pretty ineffective as well.

Yes, people are saving using solar, thanks to government supplements and discounts. If the government, i.e., the American taxpayer, is helping to pay for something, it isn't self-sustaining.

If you're really serious about clean energy, go nuclear.

Rule #1: Stop lying, especially to yourself.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.