Friday, April 26, 2019

Brain Dump

Regarding the White House Correspondents Dinner: It never should have started.

Woodrow Wilson, the President who re-segregated the military and other government entities, instituted the White House Correspondents' Association, in 1914.

It wasn't even open to women until 1962, when President John F. Kennedy demanded the change.

If it's for the press, why do so many celebrities that aren't members of the press attend?

"They say" that it's an opportunity for the press to poke fun at the president. They poke fun at the president every day; why do they need a special dinner?

Who pays for this?

Hmmm... it's a nonprofit.

Who does it benefit, besides the press itself?

Supposedly they give out scholarships.

However, looking at the numbers:

From 2015:
Revenue:  $366,481
Expenses: $311,090

What's left? $55,391

That might pay for two semesters, depending on the school.

I saw bits of last years dinner. Frankly, it was appallingly disgusting. I couldn't help but think you were having a contest on who could stoop the lowest.

I used to watch the news, but I've caught them in too many lies. I've watched them twist the truth to mean the opposite of what was said or done. I've watched them leave out pertinent information. How can I possibly trust them on the things I don't know about?

Dear Correspondents,

Stop celebrating yourselves and actually do your jobs, without inserting your opinion, unless you state clearly that you're writing an op-ed. You're lack of use of the facts that anyone can find by using any search engine is embarrassing. You've forced me to do my own homework so often, I've discovered I can do it better and faster than you can, and I don't have to untangle your opinions and lies. You should be ashamed of yourselves.


A former news viewer

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.