Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Brain Dump

I was looking up mousetraps and pingpong balls. Sadly, I discovered someone, several someones, ignorantly used it as a way of explaining the importance of social distancing. This isn't science; this is game playing, and policy was decided by this silliness. 

People are not pingpong balls. Pingpong balls are all alike, flawless, no variance. People are different, individuals, no two are alike, not even identical twins.

The problem with their theory: Some people have strong immune systems, some don't; some have healthy levels of various vitamins, some don't; some have few underlying health problems; some have many.

Social distancing has been proven ineffective, even by the "powers that be." Which means it was never effective to begin with, which means the premiss was based on false information and theories. I didn't need proof from the "powers that be." A little critical thinking goes a long way. 

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.