Wednesday, July 12, 2023

TBR 2023

76Chances Are (Book 1) by Traci Hunter Abramson romance.

77Chance for Home (Book 2by Traci Hunter Abramson romance. 

78. A Change of Fortune by Traci Hunter Abramson romance. Stand Alone, the only book by Traci that truly is a stand alone. All the others have overlapping characters, even if only briefly. Some of us call those book Easter Eggs. This book changed my perspective on how I need to handle my money, little though it is. God blessed me with enough to meet my needs, and I need to use it wisely.

79. Dark Roads by Justine Davis fiction. A story of two brothers and their journey. Justine Davis writes character driven stories, and though she usually writes romance/suspense romance, this one is focused more on the relationship between the brothers and those related to them and associated with them. For those who don't like any profanity, this book is not for you; I'd rate it at a PG-13, not quite R, because of the language and themes, mostly implied. Justine Davis stories give me an opportunity for some introspection and thinking about how I want to be a better person, more like some of her characters. It was a satisfying read for me. I have several lines I starred; yes, I bought the book in paperback. Worth it to me.

80. Stacy's Horses (A Wild Oak Romance series Book 1) by Justine Davis romance. It was the tease at the end of Dark Roads. I couldn't resist reading it again. Still makes me laugh and cry. Still love it.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.