Friday, September 8, 2023

Brain Dump

The truth about renewable energy: The energy is renewable; what creates and stores the energy for use is not. Solar panels are touted to last up to 40 years. Sounds great! They never mention the results may vary clause. And provided those panels are used under ideal conditions with regular maintenance and possible replacement needs. What are ideal conditions? Somewhere in the 70-degree range, year round, without things like hail storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, etc. They also don't tell you that solar panels create hot spots. The people I know who have saved money on solar panels have used government incentives. In other words, taxpayer money is paying them to use solar panels. If solar panels are so great why do energy costs keep soaring higher? Weren't solar panels supposed to reduce costs? Maybe we don't have enough people participating? Isn't that always the clarion call of things that don't work? If you can't create a noticeable difference without everyone involved then you're selling a phony product, aren't you? Lying is ugly and hurtful. Next time: wind farms.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.