Friday, September 15, 2023

Brain Dump

The truth about renewable energy: The energy is renewable; what creates and stores the energy for use is not. Wind farms are another boondoggle. Did you know that several cities have turned off their wind farms because the energy was inconsistent and unreliable. Wait...what? Wasn't renewable energy sold as a reliable source of energy? "They" lied? Horrors. Disgusting. Remember the year Texas froze because the windmills froze? And the solar panels didn't work because they were covered in snow? And yet, there is an astonishing refusal to learn from painful experience. Remember that the resources needed to create those renewable energy devices are not renewable. Most of those resources aren't even recyclable. And you thought plastic was bad. A disturbing amount of "pennywise pound foolish" going on. 

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.