Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Rings of Power Season 2 Episodes 4 and 5

Well, we stepped into Harry Potter with Tom Bombadill, who sounds and talks like Hagrid. The storytellers seem to have completely forgotten that the whole purpose of The Lord of the Rings was to write a mythology for England, Middle Earth. Galadriel is among the wisest and yet she is treated like a silly woman. Tolkien empowered, while modern writers fail to understand how it's done without creating shrews. Early introduction to the Watcher in the Water - or tribute? - and Barrow-wights. I learned more DuckDuckGo-ing than I did in the show. Ents from Lord of the Rings, even an Entwife, nice touch. Good fight scenes. That is the frustration: Bits and pieces are great, but awkwardly strung together, disjointed. I agree with the Men of the West podcast that it would be better advertised as fan fiction than as actual Lord of the Rings. The music is awesome.

I'm having too much trouble following the storylines, which frustrates me. It isn't like I'm a novice to fantasy and sci-fi story format. I take comfort in knowing other fans struggle too. The Elves have been made more villainous, dark instead of bearers of light. Perhaps the writers are attempting to incorporate the stories of the light and dark elves. Trying to find a bright spot. Reminds me more of Game of Thrones, which I never watched but heard about. Quotes from Tolkien are cut and pasted in like heavy seasoning, whether they make sense where they're put or not; adding dill to chocolate mousse both good in their place but not together. I miss the light I found in LOTR.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.