Wednesday, September 4, 2024

TBR 2024

111. Lord Edmund's Dilemma (A Holiday in Bath: Timeless Regency Collection Book 7) by Caroline Warfield Regency romance. Charming, enjoyable read. 

112The Art of Kissing in the Park (A Holiday in Bath: Timeless Regency Collection Book 7) by Jamie Fixsen Regency romance.

113. The Wedding Gift (All Regency Collection: Timeless Romance Anthology Book 10) by Anna Elliott Regency romance.

114Dreams of a Glorious Season (All Regency Collection: Timeless Romance Anthology Book 10) by Sarah M. Eden Regency romance. I enjoyed the novella of Elizabeth and Julian's story. I'm curious about the stories of other characters. 

115. The Mender (All Regency Collection: Timeless Romance Anthology Book 10) by Carla Kelly Regency romance. Unexpected. Loved it.

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