Wednesday, March 3, 2010

And so it begins...

How did I find myself here? It's my niece's fault. She'll be so proud. I'm scared silly, but that's supposed to be fun, right?

Why start this now? It's time. I've made so many changes in my life, and this is one more. What's one more? Some are small steps, some are huge. Made a huge one this week that has changed my perception of myself. The only way is forward; I've worked too hard to ever go back.

The purpose? An opportunity for short writing practice. I journaled for years, but found it boring and unsatisfying. Can't imagine why? Don't get a lot out of talking to myself either. Here, I have to take a risk that someone might say something I don't agree with, but then again, I don't have to post it either. Power. Cool.


  1. I love it! I'll totally take the blame! I can't wait to follow along. It is fun to follow someone's journey of self discovery.


  2. I'm so happy for you! this is great!

    And I am not really anonymous, I am Mary. :)

    Sorry I am so late, posting!!

  3. Thanks, Mary! Definitely not anon. :-)

  4. hi again!
    My third time trying to post as 'not-anonymous'... I THINK that this time it might work.

    Anyway, I am a FOLLOWER!! :)

    Take care, I am so glad you are HERE!
    Happy soaring (like the picture)!


  5. How odd. Your picture shows on the Follower but not in the comment. Thanks for being a Follower!! I seem to be flapping about more than soaring, but I had to start somewhere. ;-D

  6. LOL re flapping about... I am wondering if perhaps my pic is not showing on the comment because I do not yet have my OWN blog? Hmmmmm. I am a real novice with this social sort of blogging, even though I design all the posts at the blog at work!!
    Here it is!!


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.