Thursday, March 25, 2010

Reading List #3

The Menopause Makeover had some great information, but mostly could not work for me. It's all right; I learned from it, and now I've passed it along to bless someone else.

Venetia is also finished. I thoroughly enjoyed the last chapters, and I'm also glad it's done. Too many of the characters were thoroughly unpleasant. I prefer my books to have a higher ratio of likable than dislikable. Funnily enough, I like that in my life, too. :-)

Do You Hear What I Hear? by Teri Wilson is book 1 of her Hoofbeats and Heartstrings. It's delightful. From the back: "As a child, Simone Littleton adores the European folktale that animals were given the gift of speech at midnight on Christmas Eve. She makes a wish to talk to animals 'forever and ever' and, when her pet Dalmatian asks her for a biscuit, she discovers her wish has been granted. Now Simone is all grown up and she uses her unique gift to rehabilitate unwanted horses. When race horse trainer Chet Wallace rolls into San Antonio, with chocolate eyes and dimples blazing beneath his black Stetson, romantic sparks fly. He is immediately drawn to the beautiful woman who has a mesmerizing affect on both his horses and his dog, but his less than enthusiastic response to Simone's claims threatens their budding romance. It takes a scheming Jack Russell terrier and a dose of Christmas Magic to convince Chet she just may be telling the truth." Horses, dogs, and a hero with chocolate eyes, what't not to love about that?

Refuse to Choose! by Barbara Sher was given to me by a very dear friend. She started with writing a book about Scanners, no not the machine type, people who are always searching the horizon and have trouble settling on a single path. I GET that. I'm reading this one slowly so I have an opportunity to truly think about it as I read. I'm still in the prologue and wanting to hurry along and yet reminding myself that I need to make an effort to slow down so I don't miss anything. This is one book that I don't want to skim.

I also decided to bookmark The United States Constitution so I can read it slowly. It's been a long time, and I figure a review is long overdue.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.