Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Changes #1

I'm not perfect. Really. FlyLady has been trying to help me with this for a few years now. She advocates that perfection is not healthy. I agree, particularly as it is usually a standard set by someone else who is not perfect themselves. God and Christ are obvious exceptions, but their idea of perfection isn't what I usually run into in the world. That being said, I recognize the need to grow and change.

After owning a horse, for five years, I picked up a bit more colorful language than I used before I owned the horse. Some words simply fit. When people asked how my day was my favorite reply was "When you shovel sh*t first thing in the morning, the day can only get better." It still makes me laugh. And no other word fits as well. On top of that, it only takes having 1200 lb of pressure on your foot to add a whole lot of new and interesting words to one's vocabulary. Sadly, my horse has been gone for seven years, but the language is still hanging about.

I've wanted to change, but sometimes 'darn' simply doesn't cover it. Yesterday, my sister offered an alternative: Pickles. What a great word! And it makes me laugh. We'll see how successful I am at substituting.


  1. You're a better woman than I...

    Pickles is a good one. Poop is another good one. It is such an awkward word to begin with and it always makes people do a double take.


  2. Funny you should mention the second one. I simply cannot bring myself to say it, as it paints pictures in my head I really do not want there, worse than my favorite swear words. Really.

    I am already noticing a difference. I don't always remember, but when I do, pickles makes me laugh.

  3. One of my favorite words is baklava. People look at you like you are crazy when you say it and it just rolls off the tongue so nicely.

  4. It took me a really long time to learn to say baklava; you're right: it's a really great word!


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.