Thursday, March 4, 2010

Might as well start at the beginning...

At least the beginning of the changes that have brought me to this moment. My sister wanted to see the movie Fellowship of the Ring. I had read JRR Tolkien's Lord of the Rings in junior high, twice. Loved it. Hated the cartoons. Didn't have any friends who shared my love for the books, so I put them away. When I heard about the movie coming out, all I could think was that they were going to put a whole new story under the title and it wouldn't come close to the story I loved. I really did not want to see it. My sister offered to pay for my ticket, if I would go with her. I was apprehensive, but hey, free movie, and time with my sister. Why not?

It was life changing. I had spent my whole life burying my emotions (another story, for another time). Was enchanted from the start. The opening was interesting, but definitely not what I remembered from the book. Then there was the Shire, exactly as I had always envisioned it. My soul opened, and I felt everything, vividly. The joy of the Shire; the excitement of Gandalf's fireworks; the frightening Ringwraiths. One scene after another, I opened myself to every emotion. Memories of what came next were trickling back. I remember thinking that if they could simply create the horses in the water right, in the flight to the ford, then I would be content. Yes! I settled in and enjoyed the show, over and over and over. I couldn't stop talking about it. I had to learn more.

Before LOTR, the internet was a frightening place I only visited for work research. After LOTR, the internet was the place where I could connect with other people who loved LOTR as much and sometimes more than I did. I stumbled along, at first, but mostly I made wonderful friends, friends to last a lifetime, friends with whom I would share new adventures.


  1. It is great to see you here! The colors and design are muted (my fave kind) and I love your hawk photo. It is beautiful.

    You're soaring, just like the hawk. Have a lovely journey, we'll be along for the ride!


  2. I'm glad you're with me, Mary. (Frodo wouldn't have got far without Sam.)


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.