Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Follow up Tuesday...

Thanks to all who bought Unexpected Possibilities. I hope you enjoy it.

I worked on editing Saving Lisa.

I added to the current WIP... one of the current WIPs.

I sent in my contract for five more books over the next few years. It will keep me busy.

I'm learning to work my routine. Still have a lot to learn, but I'm headed in the right direction.

Had a momentary complete meltdown. Got over it. Moved on with the day.

Nothing sadder than baking my favorite chocolate chip cookie -- I was being good and only cooking one -- and I forgot... yes... burnt cookie. Burnt to a crisp cookie. Sad. I'm thinking the meltdown was justifiable. A chocolate chip cookie is a horrible thing to waste. Consoling myself that at least I didn't add the calories to my waist did not help.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.